Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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Text File
1,930 lines
VERSION 5.2q - May 10, 1997
The contents of this manual is Copyright (C) 1993 by Joseph Speroni, AH0A.
Blanket permission is hereby given to copy and distribute this material,
including the Morse Academy program, for non-commercial purposes. No part
of this work may be reproduced in any form where such copy is offered in
exchange for any payment unless written permission has first been secured
from the author. Authorized Morse Academy distributors with their name on
the product are permitted recovery of reasonable costs to cover distribution.
Morse Academy -- Version 5.2q
May 10, 1997
Section Page
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installation on a Floppy Disk System . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation on a Hard Disk System . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Operation under Windows 3.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Learning Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
First Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Receiving Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Endurance Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Proficiency Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Keyboard Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Generation of tests and keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Weighting Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
View Previous Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Option Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
A - Amateur Radio Morse Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . 35
B - Frequently Used Q-Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
C - Construction Notes for an External Tone Generator . . 38
D - ADLIB Compatible Music Synthesizer Card Support . . . 41
E - RS232/Parallel Port Keying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
F - Visual signaling for the hearing impaired . . . . . . 43
Introduction Page 1
Morse Academy is a Morse code teaching program incorporating Computer Aided
Instruction (CAI) that is extremely useful in teaching the code. It is
designed to help students who have no knowledge of the code or computers.
Operation is simple with functions selected by a single key. Different
sessions are provided to allow students to vary the way they learn the code.
Testing is automated to allow the student to spend more time on learning, and
less on the tedious task of checking the result of a session. Morse Academy
- on-line HELP for each session (F1 key)
- option settings that can be saved on diskette or disk
so they are not lost when power is turned off
- the ability to edit and sequence the character set used
in all sessions
- a set of sample code tests for student practice
- the ability to generate random Novice, General, and Extra
test sessions for practice
- the ability to create, save, and reload text for replay
- the ability for the student to input his copy via the keyboard
during the Proficiency session and have it automatically
compared with the generated text at the end of the session
- the ability to save all computer generated text for later
printing (F10 key)
- the ability to select your own desired character weightings
(frequency of occurrence of characters)
- the saving of the history of mistakes from the last Receiving
Game for optional use in computing character weighting
- the optional ability to allow the Receiving Game to reorder
the character set in worst-to-best sequence
- the optional generation of Morse Prosigns in contexts that
helps a student understand their meaning
- the ability to adjust the code sending speed for the variances
of different PC's
- support for ADLIB compatible music synthesizer cards, the
Disney Sound Source Adapter, RS232 ports or an external tone
generator via the printer port
Introduction Page 2
Morse Academy's features will help a student learn the code. Some features
are designed for use by an instructor accompanying the student thru his short
odyssey to code proficiency. It's still true that a small amount of hard work
is needed to learn the code. Computer feed back during the process of
learning Morse code helps a student, so learning the code is relatively
painless with Morse Academy. Developing copying skills takes an effort by the
student and the devotion of time to the process.
If you have comments or suggestions to improve Morse Academy, I'd like to
hear from you. Please write to:
Joseph Speroni, AH0A
8-11-21-302 Fukazawa
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Japan 158
Tel: 011-813-3703-9868
Introduction Page 3
Installation on a Floppy Disk System
Before performing the copy operation you must format a new disk onto which
you can copy Morse Academy. You do not need to make this a system diskette,
but you may find it more convenient to have DOS on the same diskette when
starting the system. The first time you use Morse Academy you should
carefully follow the steps listed below. Afterwards you will only need step
3 to use the program. Follow these steps:
Step 1. Format a blank diskette
Put a new diskette in drive B. Then type either
depending on whether you want the MA diskette to have
a copy of DOS or not.
Step 2. Copy the MA diskette to a newly formatted diskette
Replace your DOS diskette in drive A with the Morse
Academy master. Put the newly formatted diskette in
drive B.
A>COPY A:*.* B: <Enter>
Step 3. Execute Morse Academy
Remove the Morse Academy diskette in drive A and
store it. Mount the new diskette with Morse
Academy files copied on it (from drive B) into
drive A. (MA will actually operate on any drive)
Type the following to execute Morse Academy.
A>MA <Enter>
Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
Introduction Page 4
Installation on a Hard Disk System
The first time you use Morse Academy you should carefully follow the steps in
this section. Afterwards you will only need step 3 to use the program.
There is the possibility of unforeseen problems. It is recommended that
before starting you make a backup copy of the diskette to insure you always
have a readable copy. Follow these steps:
Step 1. Create a Directory to hold Morse Academy
C>C: <Enter> (make sure you are on drive C)
C>CD\ <Enter> (make sure you are in the root directory)
C>MD MA <Enter> (create the MA directory)
C>CD MA <Enter> (change to the MA directory)
Step 2. Put the MA diskette into drive A and copy all its files
to the hard disk
C>COPY A:*.* C: <Enter>
Step 3. Execute Morse Academy
>CD\MA <Enter>
>MA <Enter>
Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
Introduction Page 5
Operation under Windows
If MA is executed as a DOS program under Windows, it should run in EXCLUSIVE
mode. MA depends on the system timer and doesn't share resources well with
other programs. Operating MA in normal foreground mode will cause it send CW
with incorrect timing and/or key clicks.
The file MA.PIF is included with MA files. Using the Program Manager create
an icon referencing MA.PIF. Clicking on this icon will correctly execute MA.
G. General Information Page 6
║ Morse Academy Version 5.2q, Copyright 10 May 97 J. Speroni, AH0A/7J1AAA ║
║ This program was developed based on ideas from AEA's Morse University ║
║ ║
║ Select: █ ║
║ L. Learning menu ║
║ F. First practice ║
║ R. Receiving game ║
║ E. Endurance trials ┌──────────────────────┐║
║ P. Proficiency session │The selected sound │║
║ │generator is the PC's │║
║ K. Keyboard session │sound chip (use │║
║ G. Generate examinations │Options menu, Tone │║
║ W. Weighting selection │submenu, to change the│║
║ V. View last session │selection) │║
║ O. Option selections └──────────────────────┘║
║ ║
║ D. DOS return ║
║ ║
║ {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}║
║ {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}║
║ {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}║
║ {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}║
║ {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^}║
║ Select session from menu by letter ║
║ Use the F1 key for HELP or F10 to print the screen ║
Figure 1. Morse Academy Main Menu
G. General Information Page 7
Morse Academy is based on Computer Assisted Instruction concepts from AEA's
Morse University. The author thanks AEA, a company dedicated to support of
amateur radio, for their help and encouragement in developing this program.
Operation is menu driven with a single key selecting the desired session:
(L)earning: Selects characters, and provides a learning mode.
(F)irst practice: Sessions to first introduce the code to students.
(R)eceiving game: An interactive game to teach the Morse code.
(E)ndurance game: An interactive game to increase copying skills.
(P)roficiency: Generates actual code tests to improve skills.
(K)eyboard: Used to send Morse practice text from disk files.
(G)enerate examinations: Creates random tests for practice and testing.
(W)eightings: Varies the frequency of occurrence of characters.
(V)iew sessions: Displays prior session results.
(O)ptions: Options for of tone, screen colors, etc.
(D)OS return Proper way to terminate and SAVE CHANGED OPTIONS.
The ESC key serves as a STOP RUN key. Push it to return from a sub-session
to a session, and again to the main menu. The ALT key is a European shift
key, shown on the last of the screen of some menus as an UP-ARROW.
The F1 key can be used AT ANY TIME to display HELP. F10 prints the screen. A
short help prompt is ALWAYS shown at the bottom of screens.
Morse Academy will support multiple students, and remember option settings
for each. Separate OPTIONS and LOG files are maintained for each student.
The student name is typed on the command line when executing MA:
MA student_name
The student name can contain lower or upper case alphabetic characters and
spaces. Lower case characters are treated as equal to their corresponding
upper case character. If a new student name is typed, MA will give you the
option to enter the new name into its student list, or exit from the program.
An existing student can be deleted using the D option:
MA/D student_name
If the name is not registered, the request is rejected and MA exited. If
registered, the student will be asked to confirm deletion before the name
is removed from the active list, AND THE OPTIONS AND LOG FILES ARE DELETED.
(DOS 5's UNDELETE command can restore them if they are mistakenly deleted).
MA assumes WPM inputs are single digits for 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 WPM. The X
option changes all inputs to be two digits to permit speeds up to 99 WPM.
L. Learning Menu Page 8
║ Use cursor keys ( or ) and INS/DEL to select and unselect characters ║
║ Hold INS/DEL key and use the cursor keys to select a block of characters ║
║ ARRL Standard Character Set ║
║ ║
║ 1 A 17 M 33 SK [+] ║
║ 2 E 18 P 34 1 ║
║ 3 R 19 G 35 2 ║
║ 4 N 20 F 36 3 ║
║ 5 AR [*] 21 , 37 4 ║
║ 6 █ <Ins 22 W 38 5 ║
║ 7 I 23 B 39 6 ║
║ 8 O 24 BT [=] 40 7 ║
║ 9 S 25 J 41 8 ║
║ 10 D 26 / 42 9 ║
║ 11 H 27 K 43 0 ║
║ 12 C 28 Q ║
║ 13 U 29 X ║
║ 14 Y 30 V ║
║ 15 . 31 Z ║
║ 16 L 32 ? ║
║ ║
║ L. Lesson number 1 ║
║ C. Character speed 18 WPM ║
║ ║
║ Select options, ENTER to activate keyboard, or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 2. Learning Menu
L. Learning Menu Page 9
This menu allows students to chose the characters they wish to learn. This
can be done by typing the letter L followed by the lesson numbers to be
learned (type the same number twice to select only one lesson). You can also
include or exclude characters by using the INSERT or DELETE keys and moving
the blinking cursor using the DOWN or UP cursor control keys. Characters
selected have their two digit numeric sequence number shown in reverse video.
The character set and their order can be modified using Selection and Edit
commands in the main menu (O)ption selections.
The (C)haracter speed key sets the average speed characters are sent. Morse
Academy is set to send at a relatively fast character speed. The default
character speed of 18 WPM is a good choice for students aiming for a code
speed of 13 WPM. This may seem fast, but learning the individual characters
at this rate with pauses between them makes it easier to progress. At faster
average sending rates the character speed remains the same but the pauses
between them shortens.
The ENTER key activates the keyboard and allows a student to associate a
single keyboard key with the Morse code sound for it. Students can use this
as another way to become familiar with characters as they are added to the
practice sessions.
The Learning menu is the only one that controls the number of characters
being learned. This selection applies to all sessions.
Quick keys can be used to select frequently used subsets, e.g. the alphabet,
numbers, prosigns, etc. These keys are (E)rase all selections, (A)lphabet,
(N)umbers, (P)unctuation, and (S) for pro(S)igns.
The ESC key can be pressed while in the keyboard activate mode (started with
the ENTER key) to return to the Learning menu and a second time to return to
the main menu.
F. First Practice Page 10
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: █ ║
║ C. Character speed 18 ║
║ ║
║ K. Keyboard practice ║
║ L. Listen and watch characters ║
║ P. Pairs of characters drill ║
║ M. Morse tutor ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select practice drill or press ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 6. First Practice Menu
F. First Practice Page 11
The First Practice session allows a new student to experiment or practice
in various ways while learning the individual Morse characters. Four
different ways of exploring the code are provided.
The (K)eyboard selection activates the keyboard and allows a student to
associate a single keyboard key with the Morse code sound for it. Students
can use this as another way to become familiar with characters as they are
added to the practice sessions.
(L)isten and watch causes each character to be sent 4 times and displayed in
full screen format. At first display occurs prior to sending the character
in Morse code, with the time being decreased with successive repetitions.
Characters being learned are sent in a random sequence, with the entire set
being repeated until the session is terminated by ESC.
The (M)orse Tutor allows a student to practice his keyboard skills by having
the computer send single characters and waiting until he responds on the
keyboard. If correct, the next character is sent immediately. If not a
short low tone is sounded and the character is re-transmitted. During this
session the student should make an effort NOT TO LOOK at the keyboard. Use
of a blindfold while a bit extreme, is recommended. Morse Tutor will help
develop typing skills in combination with copying code, if an effort is made
not to watch the keyboard.
The (C)haracter speed key selects the individual character transmission
speed, and the (W)eight key the character weighting. The (D)isplay option
allows selection of the transmitted text either "Before" it is sent or
"After". If the "Before" option is selected, the character is displayed
before transmitting the character for the time required to send a space
between words. Errors are displayed using reverse video. The display can be
disabled during transmission by setting this option to "Off".
The session starts after pressing the ENTER key and can be ended at any time
by pressing ESC.
At the end of the session, the text sent is displayed and a summary of the
student's reaction time in pressing the key for each character is given in
milliseconds (thousandths of a second). By practicing keyboard skills the
student can improve reaction time and improve performance in other sessions.
In (C)haracter pair drills character pairs that sound alike are constructed
from the set being learned. The entire set of practice pairs is displayed
and using the cursor keys the student can select one particular pair, or
review them in sequence.
F. First Practice Page 12
A drill begins by pressing ENTER. A full screen display of each character
being reviewed is displayed three times. After this by pressing ENTER the
student can practice the two characters for as long as he likes taking as
long as he wishes to respond to each character. A correct answer will result
in a message "correct, right, or yes" being displayed in the center of the
screen and a short high pitch tone. An incorrect response causes the missed
character to be displayed in full screen format, a long low pitch tone to be
sounded, and then the repeat of the character in Morse code.
Once the student is comfortable with a given pair he can move to the next by
pushing ESC. Morse Academy remembers the student's progress, so practice can
suspended and resumed at a later time.
Note ANY change to the selected character set (addition or deletion of
characters) will cause the drill to restart at the beginning.
R. Receiving Game Page 13
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: █ ║
║ S. Starting speed 5 WPM ║
║ F. Final maximum speed 8 WPM ║
║ C. Character speed 18 WPM ║
║ ║
║ D. Duration of game 3 Minutes ║
║ R. Resequencing Off ║
║ ║
║ U. Use Fixed length groups ║
║ W. Weighting Text ║
║ G. Group length 1 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ AR * SK + BT = ║
║ Select options, press ENTER to start, or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 3. Receiving Game Menu
R. Receiving Game Page 14
The Receiving Game is an interactive game that allows a student to practice
code by listening to a random group of 1 to 9 characters, typing the
characters on the keyboard, and having the computer check if he or she is
correct. If correct, a short high pitch tone is emitted. If wrong, a long
low frequency tone sounds, the correct answer is displayed in the center of
the screen with an indicator showing the character that caused the error and
the incorrect student input displayed below it. This feedback allows
students to learn characters thru repetition and correction.
The number of different characters used during the game is determined by the
Learning menu. For the first Receiving Game, use the Learning menu to select
just a few characters, say three. Then enter the Receiving Game, and select
the (S)tarting speed, (F)inal maximum speed, (C)haracter speed, (D)uration of
game, (W)eighting, and (G)roup size as desired before starting a game.
The (S)tarting speed key selects the initial average speed of the text sent.
For every twenty correct responses the average sending speed is increased by
one WPM, up to the (F)inal maximum speed.
The (C)haracter speed key selects the character speed. Morse Academy is
designed to send characters relatively fast. The default character speed of
18 WPM is a good choice for students aiming for a code speed of 13 WPM. This
may seem fast, but learning individual characters at this rate with pauses
between them makes it easier to progress. At faster average sending rates
the speed of characters remains the same but pauses between them shorten.
The (D)uration key sets the length of the session from 1 to 9 minutes.
The (U)se key selects sending of either fixed length random character groups,
or short English words frequently used in CW QSO's. For new students random
character groups is the recommended mode. Later, practice learning words at
high speeds will give the student the ability to hear a word like a single
character. [See (P)roficiency session for a explanation of the WORDS file].
The (W)eight key selects different frequency patterns of sending of
characters. This allows the student to control the frequency of repetition
of characters to stress those requiring more emphasis.
Random: Random weight (each character having the same frequency).
Text: Text weighting with the vowels occurring more frequently.
History: Characters missed in last Receiving Game are sent more frequently.
Student's: Student selected weighting.
Use the main menu (W)eighting session to display these selections
graphically and to create a student's desired weighting.
The (G) size is the number of characters sent by the game in sequence without
spaces between them. The size can be set for from 1 to 9 characters.
Values of 5 and 18 WPM, and 1 character groups are good choices for beginning
R. Receiving Game Page 15
Start the game with the ENTER key and it will randomly generate the letters
A, E, R, N, T, or the Prosign AR (If you have started with Lesson number 1).
Continue to play the game until you're comfortable with these characters.
With only a few characters, the character's sound and their position on the
keyboard are quickly learned. The number of characters can be increased by
adding a few each day. In just a few weeks the student will know all the
characters and their positions on the keyboard.
A total of right and wrong answers is constantly updated on the screen and
the score and time remaining shown as a bar graphs. The session ends when the
duration expires, but it can be ended early by depressing ESC. The program
signals completion by sending the Prosign SK (End of Final Transmission).
At the end of the game, the characters sent during the session are displayed
on the screen, in order of the worst result. Each character is displayed
with the number of incorrect responses, and the number of times the character
was correctly copied. For example "F <4,11>" shows the student missed the
letter F 4 times and copied it correctly 11 times. This allows the student
to review the session and find which characters need more work.
The results of a Receiving Game can be used to re-sequence the characters in
the Learning menu. Use the (R)esequence key to select this option. If this
option is selected and the Learning menu is displayed after a full game is
played, the characters will be displayed in order by the worst character,
giving the student a history of the characters causing the most trouble.
Another important function of the Receiving Game is its remembering
weightings corresponding to the characters missed during the game. The
Weighting option in all menus can be used to select the HISTORY weighting.
Selecting HISTORY weighting will allow the student to repeat troublesome
characters requiring practice.
NOTE: Resequencing and historical weighting occur only if the receiving game
goes to completion, i.e. the ESC key is NOT used to terminate early.
After the student is comfortable with single letters, but early in his
training, the group size should be set to 2 (and later 3 and higher), so
memory (copying behind the text) can start to be developed. This can not be
over emphasized. Skills in copying depend very much on getting confidence in
copying longer sequences.
Mix sessions between the Receiving Game and Proficiency testing to develop
the ability to write characters as well as input them on the keyboard. When
the Receiving Game becomes too easy try switching to the Endurance Trials to
get practice in copying long character sequences without an error. Students
can adjust the mix of sessions to match free time and the pace of learning.
You should make an effort to spend at least 30 minutes every other day
practicing. With only a little effort Morse code skills will come easily.
E. Endurance Trials Page 16
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: ║
║ S. Starting speed 5 WPM ║
║ F. Final maximum speed 8 WPM ║
║ C. Character speed 18 WPM ║
║ ║
║ U. Use Fixed length groups ║
║ W. Weighting Text ║
║ G. Group length 1 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ AR * SK + BT = ║
║Select options, press ENTER to start trials or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 4. Endurance Trials Menu
E. Endurance Trials Page 17
Endurance trials send characters or words continuously until the student
errors. The (S)tarting, (F)inal maximum speed, and (C)haracter speeds can be
set before each session. The (U)se key selects the mode desired. Code is
sent as continuous random characters, in random length groups of random
characters, or as short English words. The (W)eight key selects the desired
weighting. Use the ENTER key to start the session. A complete session is
fourteen trials but it can be ended at any time by pressing ESC.
During a trial the number of characters received correctly is continuously
displayed. At the end of a trial the characters sent just before an error
are displayed, followed by a character in reverse video showing the expected
correct one that caused the trial to stop. During an Endurance trial the
reason for an error is often not the last character sent, but one of those
preceding the error. A character that causes the student to pause and think
can be the real reason for an error even if it is correctly copied. So much
time passes trying to recall a problem character that even a simple one
following will be missed. Examining the characters preceding the error will
give the student information about the characters requiring more work.
The computer displays the incorrect response in reverse video in the last
column (either the character input or the phrase TIMED OUT indicating a
failure to respond within the time allowed.) The expected character is also
shown in reverse video. By comparing the reverse video columns and examining
preceding characters, the student can determine the reason for the error.
For every 20 correct inputs, Morse Academy increases the sending speed by 1
WPM up tp the (F)inal mamimum speed so the student is made to advance. This
challenge helps develop skills. Don't be concerned with the mistakes made
when using the Endurance session. Mistakes are a natural part of learning.
A candidate for an FCC Amateur Radio license can copy one minute of code
without error as an alternative to passing a quiz on the contents of a Morse
transmission (70% is required) . This game will help you perfect the skills
to do that. To pass in this way a candidate would have to copy:
5 WPM - 25 characters
13 WPM - 65 characters
20 wpm - 100 characters
Prosigns, punctuation, and numbers count as two characters when you sit the
real examination. You have an advantage when copying the English text of a
QSO style examination. Before submitting your test paper, you can go over
the text and correct obvious errors from context, e.g. TSE RIG to THE RIG;
P. Proficiency Session Page 18
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: ║
║ S. Starting speed 5 WPM ║
║ F. Final maximum speed 8 WPM ║
║ C. Character speed 18 WPM ║
║ ║
║ U. Use Fixed length groups ║
║ ║
║ D. Duration 3 Minutes ║
║ W. Weighting Text ║
║ G. Group length 1 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ AR * SK + BT = ║
║ Select options, press ENTER to start, or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 5. Proficiency Session Menu
P. Proficiency Session Page 19
The Proficiency session sends character groups at selected speeds. This type
of practice simulates actual text transmissions.
The (S)tart key sets the starting average speed of sending, the (F)inish key
the final maximum speed, and the (C)haracter key the character speed. The
character speed can't be set to a value less than the start or final speeds.
When the character speed is set greater than the average sending speed, the
timing between characters is adjusted, as needed, to maintain the desired
average speed. The current average text speed, and elapsed time are
constantly displayed during the session.
The (U)se key selects from four different modes:
The student can have fixed or random length code groups of random characters
transmitted. The (G)roup length key selects the number of characters in each
group in the first case, and the (W)eighting key from four possible
character weightings - RANDOM, TEXT, STUDENT'S, AND HISTORY.
A third (U)se mode sends short English words. As a student advances, learning
whole words at high speed can develop the ability to copy code as if it were
a spoken language, recognizing words from the pattern of characters. One word
students first learn to recognize this way is "THE". To develop this skill
practice at high characters speeds. The words randomly selected by MA are in
the file WORDS, separated by spaces (or any number of delimiters less than
space). The file can be edited using the DOS editor. (maximum 2000 words).
For the above (U)se modes, the (D)uration key selects the length of the
session and can be set from 1 to 9 minutes. If the start and final speeds are
different, the session duration is divided into equal periods (the number of
periods is Final-Start+1). The average code speed increases by 1 WPM after
each period.
The last (U)se mode sends simulated QSO code tests from the Morse Academy
files. When in this mode press ENTER to display the list of files. The
cursor keys can be used to select the file to be loaded by positioning the
reverse video block over the file name and pressing ENTER to select it.
Starting the session with the ENTER key will cause the file's text to be
sent. If one of Morse Academy's generated test is selected, a ten question
fill-in-the-blank test and key can be printed out from the (G)enerate test
session. (See the Generation session information for more details).
Code transmission begins when the ENTER key is pressed. It ends with the
transmission of the Prosign AR (End of Transmission).
The student can copy the text on paper and compare the results displayed at
the end of the session, or input directly on the keyboard and have the
computer display both texts at the end of the session.
P. Proficiency Session Page 20
If the student inputs copy on the keyboard (rather than writing it on paper),
at the end of transmission MA gives an opportunity to correct the text before
comparing it to the compter generated text. This is what a student could do
during an actual examination. The text input during transmission is displayed
on the screen, and a prompt invites the student to edit it.
The active editing keys are the same used with the keyboard program:
ARROW, HOME, END, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN. The DELETE key functions to remove
a character. The INSERT key toggles between insert and overlay modes. The
insert state is shown in the upper right hand corner of the screen during
editing. Editing is ended by pressing the ENTER key causing a comparison of
the student's input text (as corrected) against the computer generated text.
Morse Academy compares the student's copy with the computer generated text,
and shows differences in reverse video. Missing characters in the student's
copy are shown as a "~". The texts are displayed on pairs of lines with the
student's copy below the computer's. The compared text can be printed (use
the F10 key) with blank lines inserted after each pair to allow easier manual
comparison. Screen reverse video (the differences) is shown by printing a
character "-" underneath each line pair.
The Proficiency session can be stopped at any time by pushing the ESC key.
Parameters can then be changed and the session restarted or ESC pushed a
second time to return to the main menu.
K. Keyboard Program Page 21
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ AR * SK + BT = ║
║ EDIT mode keys active; Use keys F2-F9 or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 7. Keyboard Program Menu
K. Keyboard Program Page 22
The keyboard session allows actual text to be prepared and sent for practice.
It is possible to edit, save and reload text to and from diskette or hard
disk. The function keys F2 thru F9 select program options.
F2 will toggle the keyboard between EDIT and SEND states. In SEND state the
text on the screen will be sent in Morse code. Once the last character is
sent (marked by the small square character at the end of the text),
transmission ends. At any time during transmission of the code, pressing F2
causes sending to be suspended, and the EDIT state entered. If the Prosigns
option (in the Options menu) is "On", whenever the program enters the Edit
state it sends the Prosign AS (wait) to show suspension of code transmission.
The cursor position displayed is the next letter to be sent. Pressing F2
again returns to the SEND state and causes code transmission to resume where
it left off.
As a memory aid for the operator, line 23 is used to display the keys to send
the Morse Prosigns. For example " AR * " means that the Prosign AR is sent
using the "*" key on the keyboard.
The program MUST be in the EDIT state to use the F3 thru F9 program options.
NOTE - the default mode is EDIT mode; you can only enter SEND mode by
pressing F2 when in EDIT mode.
F3 allows the average speed of transmission to be set in words in minute.
F4 allows the character speed of code transmitted to be set in words per
minute. If the speed selected is faster (it can't be slower) than the
average code speed, delays are inserted between characters to cause the
effective transmission speed to be equal to the average speed selected by F3.
At the end of the message, the elapsed time is displayed on line 22 along
with an equivalent characters count (numerics, punctuation, and prosigns
count as two characters). This information is used to compute and display
the effective sending speed, i.e. WPM=10*(Count)/(Seconds).
F5 clears the screen to allow the start of input of new text.
F6 allows the loading of previously saved text. Pushing the key displays a
complete list of all saved files, and provides a prompt at the top of the
screen requesting the name of the file to be loaded. If the file is
available, the screen is cleared and the stored text displayed.
F7 allows the saving of screen text for later recall. If overwriting of a
previously saved file is requested, the operator is given the opportunity to
confirm that overwriting is desired.
F8 allows files to be deleted from the directory. The DOS file name
wildcards * and ? can be used to delete groups of files. Deleting a .KB file
will automatically cause the corresponding .TST and .KEY files to be deleted.
K. Keyboard Program Page 23
F9 displays character statistics and estimated time for the text displayed.
If you wish to add your own ASCII files, just copy them to the your MA
diskette in the same sub-directory with the other .KB files, making sure that
each file has an extension of ".KB". Morse Academy will automatically add
them to its directory at the start of execution.
In EDIT state the following editing keys are active:
UP - cursor up one line DOWN - cursor down one line
PAGE UP - cursor to previous line PAGE DN - cursor to next line
LEFT - cursor left one character RIGHT - cursor right one character
HOME - cursor to home position END - cursor to end of text
The ENTER key inserts an end of line symbol (small triangle) at the cursor
position and erases the remainder of the line.
The INSERT key toggles the keyboard mode between INS (insert) and OVR
(overlay) states. The state is displayed on the right of line 24 of the
screen. In OVR state input from the keyboard replaces text on the screen. In
INS mode it is inserted into the text and the screen text scrolled to the
right to allow space for the inserted character.
It is possible to embed in the text, information about the average speed of
code to be sent and the character speed to be used during the transmission.
This is done by preceding the text with a string of the form "<ww:cc>", where
ww is the average sending speed, and cc is the character speed. For example
"<5:18>" causes the text to be sent at 5 WPM, but with a character speed of
18 WPM.
ESC ends the keyboard session and returns to the main menu.
G. Generation Session Page 24
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Current generation parameter values ║
║ ║
║ Exam class Novice General Extra ║
║ Element No. 1A 1B 1C ║
║ ║
║ File Prefix 92-1A- 92-1B- 92-1C- ║
║ First test 01 01 01 ║
║ Last test 20 20 20 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select:█ ║
║ 1. Group 1 default file element names (5 tests of each type) ║
║ 2. Group 2 default file class names (10 tests of each type) ║
║ 3. Group 3 default file year-element names (15 tests of each type) ║
║ ║
║ C. Clear all file name and test number selections ║
║ E. Edit file names and test numbers (screen parameters only) ║
║ P. Print all tests and keys (1 copy of each) ║
║ S. Select one test for printing ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Press ENTER to start test generation, or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 8. Generation menu
G. Generation Session Page 25
This session is used to generate files in the form of an QSO similar to the
actual required FCC test. Three separate files are produced for each test
generated: (1) a .KB file for direct use by the (P)roficiency or (K)eyboard
sessions to send a test, (2) an ASCII .TST file for the written fill-in-the-
blanks examination, and (3) an ASCII .KEY file for the key to be used in
grading the examination. The ASCII files can be printed using this session or
directly using DOS commands.
To simplify test generation three default groups are provided to generate
tests with canned file names and numbers. Type 1, 2 or 3 to select the
default naming:
Group Novice General Extra
_____ ____________________ _____________________ __________________
1 1A-01 thru 1A-15 1B-01 thru 1B-15 1C-01 thru 1C-15
3 92-1A-01 thru 92-1A-20 92-1B-01 thru 92-1B-20 92-1C-01 thru 92-1C-20
Pressing the (C)lear key cause all file names and numbers to be cleared.
The (E)dit key allows arbitrary file names and sequence numbers to be created
for all classes of examinations. The cursor keys, the DELETE, and BACKSPACE
key can be used for editing. The TAB or ENTER keys end editing for the
current key. Pressing ESC terminates editing and adjusts the selections for
a maximum name length of 8 characters (prefix plus number).
Pressing ENTER starts test generation. The process is rather complex and
can take many seconds for each test. If the files names are the same as a
previous generation, those tests will be overwritten and lost. DOS commands
can be used to save those files and/or change their names. Generation can be
terminated at any time by pressing ESC. The tests already generated will be
The (K)eyboard program has a delete command (F8) which allows DOS wildcard
symbols * and ?. Groups of tests can be deleted using these symbols, e.g.
using the file name 1C* will delete all Extra class examinations (from
default group 1); the file name 92-1C-1? will delete the files 92-1C-10 thru
92-1C-19 (from default group 3).
The (P)rint key causes all tests and keys to be printed. These are the ASCII
text .TST and .KEY file extensions associated the .KB files. The .KB file is
intended for use by Morse Academy to send the code and is not printed. These
ASCII files can also be printed using the DOS PRINT command.
The (S)elect key allows the printing of a single test. After selection of
the test to be printed, the operator can select the number of copies of the
test and key to be printed.
W. Weighting Selection Page 26
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: ║
║ 17% │ W. Weighting of characters: Text ║
║ R │ ║
║ e 15% │ ║
║ l │ ║
║ a 14% │ ║
║ t │ ║
║ i 12% │ ║
║ v │ ▄ ║
║ e 10% │ █ ║
║ │ █ ║
║ w 9% │ █▄▄▄ ║
║ e │ ████▄▄▄▄ ║
║ i 7% │ ████████ ║
║ g │ ████████ ║
║ h 5% │ ████████ ║
║ t │ ████████▄▄▄ ║
║ i 4% │ ███████████ ║
║ n │ ███████████ ║
║ g 2% │ ███████████ ║
║ └ ███████████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ║
║ Select options or press ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 9. Weighting Selection Menu
W. Weighting Selection Page 27
The Weighting selections session allows the graphical display of characters
by frequency of occurrence for the selected weighting. It also permits the
student or instructor to set his own weightings to emphasize particular
characters within the text sent.
The (W)eight key selects different frequency patterns of sending of
characters and displays the result graphically. The graphical display is
useful in helping the student visualize the effect of weighting on the
frequency of transmission.
Weightings allow the student to control repetition percentages of characters
to stress those that require more practice. Each time the key is pressed one
of following four options is successively selected and graphically displayed:
Random - the character weight will be random (each character having
the same probability of being sent).
Text - the character weight approximates that of English text
with the vowels occurring more frequently. (This will cause
the average speed to increase since these characters are
short in Morse code.)
History - the characters missed during the last complete Receive Game
will be sent more frequently.
Student's - the character weight set by the student will be used to
control the frequency of selection.
When the Student's option is selected, three additional functions are
provided to allow setting character weightings. These are:
(I)nitialize - sets character weightings equal so all characters have an
equal chance of being selected, i.e. random selection.
(+) - requests the input of characters whose weightings are to be
(-) - requests the input of characters whose weightings are to be
The algorithm used to select weightings assumes the selected characters will
be sent 67% of the time while the others being learned will occupy 33%. If
only one character is selected it will be sent very frequently - two-thirds
of time! If six characters are chosen then each will be sent 11% of the time
and the remaining letters will be sent 33% of the time.
Weightings are displayed graphically so the student has a pictorial
representation. The characters being learned are displayed as a bar graph
showing the frequency of selection vertically by character horizontally.
ESC can be pressed while in (W)eighting edit mode to return to the sub-menu
and again to return to the main menu.
V. View Previous Session Page 28
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select: ║
║ R. Receiving game ║
║ E. Endurance game ║
║ P. Proficiency session ║
║ M. Morse keyboard tutor ║
║ ║
║ L. Logging off ║
║ ║
║ D. Delete all log's ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select previous session to be viewed or ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 10. View Last Session Menu
V. View Previous Session Page 29
Morse Academy remembers the text and statistics generated for the last
(R)eceiving game, (E)durance, (P)roficiency, and (M)orse keyboard tutor
sessions. The View menu allows the student to recall these previous sessions
of computer generated code for review or printing.
Note that the total history log is cumulative and use over a long period will
take up a lot of disk storage (even more critical for diskette only systems).
Periodically you should use the File commands in the Option menu to copy the
historical log to a diskette (for review by your instructor) and/or to clear
it. If you know DOS commands you can do this directly by operating on the
files LOG-α.VW, where α is R, E, P or M for the respective sessions.
The (L)ogging option allows the student to disable all logging, to select
logging for the last session only, or to save each session in a cumulative
log. Press "L" to cycle thru the three options.
The (D)elete option deletes ALL log history. Prior to executing this command
Morse Academy will ask for confirmation of the command. Press ENTER to
delete the log's, or ESC to cancel the command.
You can press the F10 key at any time to print the screen contents and save
it for later review.
Pressing ESC at any time will cause Morse Academy to return to the main menu.
O. Option Selections Page 30
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Options: █ ║
║ R. Reset ALL parameters to default ║
║ P. Prosign cues in Morse: Off ║
║ ║
║ S. Select character sequence ║
║ E. Edit character sequence ║
║ ║
║ C. Color selections ║
║ T. Tone generator selection ║
║ A. Adjustment for PC clock ║
║ ║
║ Character sequence 0: Student's Personal Set ║
║ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ║
║ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Select options or press ESC to return to main menu ║
Figure 11. Option Selection Menu
O. Option Selections Page 31
The (O)ptions session allows the student or instructor to tailor parameters
to make the sessions more effective. The default options supplied with Morse
Academy are thought to be best for a new student so it is not necessary to
use this session. But as students progress they may wish to learn about the
options available, so they can adjust the program to their needs.
The (R)eset key causes Morse Academy to set all parameters to their default
values for a new student. Prior to execution, confirmation is requested.
The (P)rosign Cues option allows the generation or suppression of Morse
Prosigns automatically generated by Morse Academy to cue operation of the
By setting this option "On", the student can be introduced to the use of
Morse prosign cues in a context that helps learning. For example MA will
send K (go ahead) whenever the main menu is entered, BK (break) and BT
(pause) during display of the HELP menus, and AR (end of transmission) or SK
(final transmission) at the end of testing sessions. To allow easy
identification the Prosigns are sent with a note 100 Hz higher than the code
transmission. If it causes confusion to newer students, it may be preferable
to suppress all Prosign usage. This can be done by setting the option to
The context options are:
- returning to the main menu causes sending the Morse letter "K" (Go ahead).
- entering HELP using the F1 function key or exiting it is cued by the
Prosign "BK" (Break).
- Help continuation cued by the Prosign "=" (double dash, meaning pause).
- the suspension of sending of text during the Keyboard session (toggled
with F2) is cued by the Prosign AS (wait).
- the completion of the Receiving game, Endurance and Proficiency sessions,
and the Morse Keyboard tutor sessions are marked by the Prosign AR (End of
- incorrect input or an input requiring confirmation causes "?" to be sent.
The (S)elect Character Sequence key allows the character set to be selected
from those provided with the program. Repeatedly pressing this key will
select from four different sets. The set number currently selected is
displayed just above the box containing the sequence. The sequences are:
- Sequence "0" is your personal sequence that can be edited as you desire.
- Sequence "1" is the ARRL recommended sequence.
- Sequence "2" is the Morse Academy recommended sequence.
- Sequence "3" is the complete Morse Academy code set, including the
special European characters rarely heard on the U.S. amateur bands.
O. Option Selections Page 32
When ESC is pressed, the character set being displayed will be copied to set
"0" (your personal set). Be careful to select the set you want before ending
this sub-session or you may have to reedit your personal set.
The (E)dit Character Sequence menu allows you to change the character
The active edit keys are:
HOME - sets the cursor to the beginning of the character string
END - sets the cursor to the end of the character string
LEFT - the cursor LEFT arrow key moves left one position
RIGHT - the cursor RIGHT arrow key moves right one position
If any character (contained in the string) is typed, it will first be sent in
Morse to confirm the selection, and then inserted into the string at the
position of the cursor with the remaining characters being re-sequenced as
required. This allows the character string to be set in any desired order.
When you are finished editing and the sequence of the string is acceptable,
press ESC to return to the sub-session menu and again to return to the main
menu. The edited sequence will then be permanently stored in your Personal
Sequence "0".
The (C)olor option allows setting colors for displaying Morse Academy's
menus. Depending on your PC's display controller, up to any of 16 colors can
be assigned to the characters, background, or the prompt line (bottom on the
screen). The program will not allow the same value for characters and
background since the text would not be visible.
The (A)djust option allows compensation for any inaccuracy in the PC's
internal clock, which controls the code speed accuracy. It provides a means
to increase or decrease an adjustment factor for the code speed. For the
best results, use of a highly accurate external timepiece is recommended.
The word PARIS sent 5, 10 or more times, can be timed to determine the
accuracy of your PC corrected by the clock adjustment factor. Sub-menu
options to adjust the clock are:
() Increase sending speed (S) Sending speed input
() Decrease sending speed (C) Character speed input
(T) Transmit PARIS five time
At completion of sending the PARIS message with the (T)ransmit key, a short
high pitch (1800 Hz) note is sounded. This can be used to signal completion
when doing timing with an external timepiece.
O. Option Selections Page 33
The (T)one generator option supports seven sound/signaling generators:
the PC's internal sound generator, Morse Academy's external tone generator,
an ADLIB compatible music synthesizer card (which includes the SoundBlaster
series), the Disney Sound Source adapter (can be connected to either LPT1 or
LPT2), the Tandy PC sound generator, and a visual signaling generator (screen
blinking). Others may be added upon request from users. One of these is
selected by typing the letter A through G shown in front of the description
of the supported sound generator.
Selecting one of the generator's displays a sub-menu with options to control
the tones generated. The active keys are:
(+) Increase the tone 10 Hz (V) Selects session initiated
(-) Decrease the tone 10 Hz random variable tones
(D) Reset tone to 730 Hz (ranges ± two 10 Hz deviations)
(S) Sounds the current tone (F) Frequency differentiation
(V)ariable tone selection can be used to have each session to start with a
randomly selected tone, only slightly different from the current setting.
Either 1, 3, or 5 different tones are chosen depending on the selected range
of 0, plus or minus 10 or 20 Hz. Each time the (V) key is depressed the
range advances. It is a good idea to use this option to get experience
copying code with different frequency tones. Remember when you take your
examination you may not have total control over the tone used by the
(F)requency differentiation causes dashes to be sent at a frequency 20 Hz
lower than dots. This mode can help beginning students learn the difference
between characters, but we don't recommend using it too long. Your amateur
radio examination will not use this mode, so don't become dependent on it.
Frequency differentiation applies only the Learning menu, Receiving game, and
the Endurance session. For all other menus it is set off. Even if it is
selected in the Receiving game or Endurance session, the differentiation is
reduced by 2 Hz for every 5 correct answers, allowing the student a slow way
to adjust to normal Morse code transmission.
If you have selected use of the Morse Academy external tone generator the
options to change the tone are not available (+, or -). For details on how
to construct an external tone generator for use with Morse Academy see
Appendix C, "Construction Notes for an External Tone Generator". For
information related to support of ADLIB compatible music synthesizer cards,
see Appendix D, "ADLIB Compatible Music Synthesizer Card Support". For
details on use of port keying, see Appendix E, "RS232/Parallel Port Keying
The port addresses, and the function codes to select the different tones used
by the Morse Academy external tone generator are defined in the element PORT
on the program diskette. The values in this file are important to the
correct operation of these tone generators. Care should be taken to
understand the meaning of each value before changes are made.
Appendix A - Amateur Radio Morse Abbreviations Page 34
After you have advanced to the point of being able to copy some QSO's
(message exchanges between two Amateur radio stations) you will find that
many of the words in the text copied are abbreviations. To help you in
learning to copy QSO's a list of commonly used abbreviations is printed
Appendix B - Frequently used Q-Signals Page 35
The following "Q signals" are common in Amateur communications. The list is
far from exhaustive, but knowing just these few can increase the
understanding of exchanges between radio amateurs.
Code Meaning Example of usage
──── ───────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
(Is this frequency in use?)
(your signal is Readability 5,
Strength 9, and Tone 9 with
(your signal is Readability 5,
Strength 9, and Tone 9 with
(I am running low power 5 watts)
(Please slow down)
(I have to stop now)
(I have nothing more to say)
(Do you operate on the 20 meter
(Please standby until I call you
(Who is calling me?)
(Your signal is Readability 5,
Strength 6, and Tone 9 with
fading - increasing and
decreasing of signal strength
during the transmission)
Appendix B - Frequently used Q-Signals Page 36
(Please send me your QSL card
by mail via the QSL bureau)
(Thanks for this radio contact)
(Please tell bill that my new
call sign is ....)
(General call preceding message
addressed to all Amateurs and
ARRL members. Also the name of
the monthly magazine published
by the ARRL for all Radio
(Please increase your frequency
by 5 Kilohertz and call me)
(The location of my station is
Los Angeles)
Appendix C - Construction Notes for an External Tone Generator Page 37
Operation of the Morse Academy designed external tone generator is controlled
with parameters on the first line in the file PORT. It contains five
numbers. The first value is the port used to control the Morse Academy tone
generator. The default setting 888 (378 Hex) is for LPT1, the standard
printer port. If your PC has additional printers, it can be set to other
ports by editing the ASCII file PORT.
<───Port Number───>
Printer Hex Decimal
─────── ─── ───────
LPT1 378 888
LPT2 278 632
LPT3 3BC 932
No testing has been done with communications ports, but logically keying
those ports would seem to be possible with the coding provided in Morse
Academy. Those hardware ports are:
<───Port Number───>
Serial Hex Decimal
────── ─── ───────
COM1 3F8 1016
COM2 2F8 760
The program is written to support sending four different tones needed for
the full support of Morse Academy sessions:
Frequency Purpose Hex Decimal
───────── ───────────────────────────────── ─── ───────
0 Hz Keyer off FF 255
300 Hz Low pitch long tone for error FE 254
730 Hz Keyer on FD 253
1800 Hz High pitch short tone for success FC 252
The choice of frequencies and function codes is arbitrary and can be changed
to accommodate other hardware implementations. These four values are stored
immediately after the port address in the element PORT in the Morse Academy
directory. They can be modified to support other hardware designs.
The author would prefer that any hardware built for Morse Academy support all
four frequencies so the full functionality of the program is preserved.
There are however many approaches to providing the necessary keying, and many
different possible uses. Although the author has not confirmed it, the
simplest circuit may be to drive a Keyer or transceiver thru a diode directly
from the parallel port, e.g. connect the anode of the diode to the positive
side of the Keyer, the cathode to pin 2 of the parallel port, and pin 25 to
the Keyer ground. This works only with Keyers that operate by closing a +5
volts to ground at less than 10 mA. To prevent excessive current flow a 100
ohm resistor in series with the diode is recommended.
Appendix C - Construction Notes for an External Tone Generator Page 38
To debug the program, a simple circuit was designed which fits onto a circuit
card about one inch square. Power was taken from the parallel port. This is
the reason that all function codes indicated above had the high bits set.
The top six bits were set to have their power output in parallel to drive the
circuit. Care must be taken in the design to not overload the PC's outputs.
Drawing excessive current will damage the port driver chip. The pin
assignments for the 25 pin parallel port are:
Pin Bit Output
─── ─── ─────────────
25 Ground
2 0 Function 0
3 1 Function 1
4 2 +5 volt power
5 3 +5 volt power
6 4 +5 volt power
7 5 +5 volt power
8 6 +5 volt power
9 7 +5 volt power
An alternative design could have used three master bits for tone selection
using only five power supply pin outputs. A note of caution on use of the
output pins as a power source. While the circuit can be designed to
represent "Keyer off" as the absence of function bits, depending on the
circuit you may still want to select all power bits to insure a constant
voltage. Keying all bits may result in chirping.
The sample circuit uses a single sound manufactured by Radio Shack called a
LED flasher that almost meets the three-tone requirement of Morse Academy.
The part is an eight pin LM3909 - Radio Shack part number 276-1705. Only
fourteen parts are required:
Part Qty Description
────── ─── ──────────────────────────────────────────
LM3909 1 LED Flasher Chip, Radio Shack P/N 276-1705
Socket 1 Eight pin IC socket
1N270 6 Germanium diode (or similar)
Resistor 1 ¼ watt 100 Ω
Resistor 1 ¼ watt 12,000 Ω
Capacitor 1 10 µf (electrolytic)
Capacitor 1 0.1 µf (mylar)
Connector 1 25 pin parallel port connector (male)
Connector 1 audio phone jack
Circuit board 1 about one inch square (length of 25 pin connector)
Appendix C - Construction Notes for an External Tone Generator Page 39
(from parallel port
25 pin connector) C 1 0.1 µf
┌────┤ ├───────────────┐
┌──────25 R 1 │ │ R 2
│ 12 kΩ │ ┌───────────────┐ │ 100 Ω
│ 2────/\/\/\────────┴───┤8 2├──┴──/\/\/\──┐ (to phone
│ 3───────────────┐ │ │ │ jack)
│ └──────┤1 3│N/C │
│ 4────├────┐ │ LM 3909 │ └─── -
│ ├───────────┤6 5├───────────────── +
│ 5────├────┤ │ │
│ │ ┌───┤4 7│N/C
│ 6────├────┤ │ └───────────────┘
│ │ │
│ 7────├────┤ │
│ │ │ Current drain is approx. 1 mA (max);
│ 8────├────┤ │ 12 kΩ resistor and 0.1 µf capacitor
│ │ │ set tone frequencies
│ 9────├────┤ + │
│ ─┴─ C 2 │
│ ─┬─12 µf │ (Ground)
Sample Tone Generator Circuit.
The LM 3909 pins are numbered counterclockwise from 1 to 8 starting with pin
1 at the upper left hand corner, as shown below.
│1 8│
│2 7│
│3 6│
│4 5│
In testing this circuit on various computers if was found that the tone
frequencies are very sensitive to the parallel port output voltage. This is
especially true for battery powered laptops and notebooks, where in some
cases the tone off function actually generated a low frequency tone.
Adjustment of the circuit values R1 and or C1 may be necessary to generate
the proper frequencies. As a suggestion you might consider use of a variable
resistor to be able to adjust the circuit for your particular computer's
parallel port design. A different circuit design may be more appropriate to
the wide range of computers on the market.
Appendix D - ADLIB Compatible Music Synthesizer Card Support Page 40
Morse Academy provides support for ADLIB compatible music synthesizer cards.
The (C)hange command in the (T)one submenu of the (O)ptions menu allows
selection a music synthesizer card.
The default I/O port address for ADLIB compatibles is 38xh. Morse Academy
uses this value as the default port address. Some manufacturer's boards
allow other port addresses so Morse Academy can set the address to other
values. Addresses in the range 20xh-28xh and 30xh thru 3Fxh are permitted.
This covers beyond the range required for music cards currently being
marketed. For example the SoundBlaster Pro card allows jumper selection of
only two other addresses 22xh or 24xh, in addition to the defacto ADLIB
standard of 38x.
Morse Academy performs all necessary initialization of the music synthesizer
card. No other software or device driver is needed. Any ADLIB compatible
card is satisfactory to send good audio quality Morse code.
Appendix E - RS232/Parallel Port Keying Page 41
Morse Academy supports RS232 and parallel port keying interfaces that are
commonly used by other programs, e.g. the K1EA Contest Logging program. This
interface is not the preferred one because it only supports a single
frequency. The audio feedback tones of 300 and 1800 Hz for MA's games is not
available. Still the ability to practice with the (P)roficiency session and
generate examination tapes makes it desirable to support these interfaces.
The ports COM1 (3FCh), COM2 (2FCh), COM3 (3ECh), COM4 (2ECh), LPT1 (37Ah), or
LPT2 (27Ah) can be selected for keying in the (O)ptions menu, when choosing
the (T)one generator option E. The keyed port address is displayed in
Hexadecimal. Morse Academy outputs a 1 to the port to close the key, e.g.
mov AL,1 (in MASM)
mov DX,3FCh
out DX,AL
To open the key a zero is output to the port.
The pin outs for keying are:
RS232 Ports Pins 4 and 5 on a DB9 connector.
Pins 7 and 20 on a DB25 connector.
Minus nine (-9) volts indicates key open.
Plus nine (+9) volts indicates key closed.
(note voltages may vary from 6 to 12 volts,
depending on the PC manufacturer)
Parallel Ports Pins 1 and 17
Zero volts indicates key open.
Plus five (+5) indicates key closed.
(note voltages may vary, depending on the
PC manufacturer)
Direct connection of your PC to a transceiver is NOT recommended. Isolation
is required between the PC and the equipment being switched. Interfaces such
as that designed by Jim Talens (N3JT) are commercially available. Write to
Jim Talens (N3JT), P.O. Box 19346, Washington, DC 20036.
Appendix F - Visual Signaling for the Hearing Impaired Page 42
The (O)ptions menu, (T)one submenu provides the signaling generator option
G that uses screen blinking to send the Morse code. This form of signaling
is used by the U.S. Navy for signaling between ships when other forms of
communications is not available. This option has been added to Morse
Academy because of several requests from hearing impaired persons who wish
to learn the code.
There are many problems in using the PC screen to signal CW. To reduce the
visual noise appearing on the screen care has to be taken to change the
screen contents during times when the electron beam is not updating the
screen image. The Morse Academy driver has been written to perform the
screen update in the minimum number of CPU cycles possible while the beam
is returning from the bottom to the top (HRI time). This restricts the
maximum signaling rate to the screen refresh rate. For a 60 Hz non-
interlaced screen, refresh occurs approximately every 16 milliseconds.
At 10 WPM, where the sending time for a dot is 120 milliseconds, this means
that an error of 15% can occur for one element. As the speed increases the
error does also. High resolution non-interlaced monitors will perform better
than interlaced types. LCD's used in laptop or notebook computers are very
slow and are not suitable for visual signaling.
The eye can not easily handle signaling rates as fast as those as the ear.
This fact combined with the larger error due to 16 ms timing increments make
copying visual signaling difficult at high speeds.
More accurate visual signaling is possible using external hardware the PC's
internal sound generator, e.g. Morse Academy's external tone generator, or
the parallel or RS232 port's. (See appendix C and E for more information on
methods of signaling).
Morse Academy was written to use the screen as a display of information
while the student listened to the audio practice. Adapting it to display
the same information and use the screen for signaling involved considerable
modification. Hopefully any errors introduced as a result are minor. Still
some sessions proved too difficult to modify and had to be dropped when
using visual signaling, e.g. the (E)ndurance session. Depending on the
response to this new mode of training, future developments may extend visual
signaling to support all Morse Academy functionality.
User comments on the visual signaling option would be appreciated.